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Hi, I'm Nathan. I'm an aspiring

My SkillSet


More experienced with ReactJS, AWS, Flutter, Spring, NodeJS, Supabase. Familiar with Docker, GCP, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Angular


Familiar with OOP and functional: : Python, Java, Go, JavaScript, C++, TypeScript, C#, Dart, SQL, Kotlin, R.


Comfortable with REST, GraphQL, Git, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, IBM Websphere, Kubernetes, Redis, Firebase



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Dson Market
React, Next, TailWindCSS, Supabase
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Data Mining Techniques
Python, External Libraries, Jupyter Notebook
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Voice Auth System
Python, OpenAI Whisper
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Go Tinystore
Go, Distributed Cache, Docker
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Microservice Impl
Java, Spring, Docker, Kafka
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Desktop Voice Assistant
C++, CMake, Whisper

I'm Nathan

Hey there! I'm currently a rising senior Computer Science at Dickinson College. I am passionate about cloud computing, distributed systems, and infrastructure. My main focus at the moment lies in distributed cache and cloud native approaches to scalability. I hope and always try to put my knowledge and skills into contributing the world to be a better place.

Outside of work, I enjoy exploring the world through the camera lens, listening to and playing music, working out, biking and hiking.

Some things I'm experienced with:
  • Java
  • Python
  • Golang
  • C/C++
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • AWS
  • GCP
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • REST/GraphQL
Available for opportunities
Have an exciting project or open position?
I'm always in ready mode and happy to join your team!
© 2024 Nathan Nguyen